Rosa Vento
Specialist. Wildlife Trafficking and Health Initiative
Rosa studied Biology at the Ricardo Palma University and studied postgraduate studies in Natural Resource Conservation at the National Agrarian University of La Molina. Is currently studying Biodiversity and Ecosystem Management at the National University of San Marcos. He worked as a specialist in wildlife in INRENA and in management of threatened species in the Ministry of Agriculture. He was CITES Management Authority and was in charge of the implementation of the Convention for the Conservation of Migratory Species - CMS, in the National Forestry and Wildlife Service until 2016. In 2017, he joined WCS to work on the Initiative on Wildlife Trafficking and Health. Their interests are related to the conservation of species.
Rossana Maguiño Napurí
Especialista en vida silvestre
Rossana Maguiño Napurí serves as Technician at WCS.
Ruben García García
Ruben García García serves as Specialist at WCS.
Sandra Rios
Sandra Rios serves as Coordinator at WCS.
Valeria Adrianzén Castillo
Valeria Adrianzén es licenciada en Biología por la Universidad Peruana Cayetano Heredia. Su investigación de tesis trata sobre la ecofisiología comparativa de dos especies arbustivas de bosque seco bajo estrés salino. Sus intereses son la ecofisiología vegetal, la ecología evolutiva, las interacciones planta-insecto-ambiente, la programación, la estadística y el monitoreo de datos.
Willy Maldonado
Coordinator, Puno
Willy studied biology at the Universidad Nacional del Altiplano, he has a master's degree in ecology and is currently conducting a study in three landscapes species in the Bahuaja - Sonene National Park for getting his Doctor degree. His work experience is linked to the management and conservation of biodiversity, improving human capabilities, development of bio-based lines, environmental education, environmental management and the development of environmental projects; as well as, teaching at the graduate level. His interests are linked to conservation biology, ecosystem restoration and conservation management.
Yaninna Del Pilar Olivera Díaz
Program Officer
Yaninna Del Pilar Olivera Díaz serves as Specialist at WCS.