Protected Areas Management

The Amazon, particularly the Peruvian Amazon, is a region teeming with biological and cultural diversity. Protected areas conserve this diversity through adaptive management, which promotes the efficient public management of natural resources through informed decision-making and monitoring. This way, protected areas can attain their objective of conserving a representative sample of the nation’s biological diversity and natural patrimony.

In WCS, we believe that adaptive management and a sustainable use of natural resources are the most effective tools for conservation in protected areas. We also believe in participatory management with shared responsibilities between the local populations and the state is crucial, allowing different actors to work together collaboratively and in an organized manner, and the attainment of common conservation goals in a sustainable manner.

We support the protected areas at different scales: from an individual protected area level, including our work in Bahuaja Sonene National Park in the Madidi-Tambopata landscape, and in the Matsés National Reserve in the Marañón-Ucayali landscape, to a national level, including our work with the Peruvian National System of Protected Natural Areas (SINANPE). To learn more about how we support protected areas, click on the following links:

- Monitoring and Adaptive Management

- Research

- Public Awareness


Top photo: Diego Pérez