Joaquín Gutierrez Sotelo
Joaquín Gutierrez Sotelo serves as Trainee at WCS.
Jorge Luis Martínez
Program Officer
Jorge Luis studied biology at the Universidad Nacional Agraria La Molina. He has taken specialized courses on management of protected areas, monitoring of biodiversity and conservation workshops for trainers. His work experience includes management of protected areas in the Peruvian Amazon and planning, monitoring and evaluation of environmental projects. He is currently a member of the Amphibian Specialist Group of the International Union for Conservation of Nature and Natural Resources (ASG-IUCN).
Juan Paul Ascona
delivery courier
Juan Paul Ascona serves as delivery courier at WCS.
Katherine Uehara
Assistant, Administration - Peru
Kathy completed her studies at the Cenfotour Institute in hotel management. Presently, she is working as an administrative and logistics assistant for the WCS Peru and Amazonía programs.
Katia Isla
Hiring and Financial Analysis Coordinator
Katia studied accounting at the Universidad Nacional de la Amazonía Peruana and she also took studies in administration. She is currently completing a master in financial auditing. She has an extensive professional experience in accounting, management, labor, tax, budget, evaluation and analysis of financial information, among others.
Kelly Flores
Accounting Technician
Kelly Flores serves as Accounting Technician at WCS.
Kennedy Zela Uscamayta
Kennedy Zela Uscamayta serves as Specialist at WCS.
Léon Torres
Especialista en Vigilancia y Control
León Torres es Biólogo de la Universidad Nacional de la Amazonía Peruana (UNAP), egresado en el 2016. Durante su formación profesional, desarrolló estudios sobre evaluaciones de población de vida silvestre y censos con cazadores dentro de la Reserva Nacional Matses. Posteriormente se desempeñó como consultor en la Sociedad de Conservación de Vida Silvestre (WCS - Perú) paisaje Marañón – Ucayali, donde participó en la campaña de monitoreo de poblaciones de vida silvestre a través del modelo Ocupación, luego como capacitador SMART para guardaparques de la Reserva Nacional Pacaya Samiria . Durante los últimos dos años se desempeñó como Técnico de Campo en el Programa Nacional de Conservación de Bosques para la Mitigación del Cambio Climático (PNCBMCC) trabajando con comunidades nativas del río Ampiyacu, afluente del río Amazonas.
Liszt Cecilia Hernández Paucar
Coordinadora administrativa y de recursos humanos
Liszt Cecilia Hernández Paucar serves as Coordinator at WCS.
Loyola Escamilo
Director, Madidi-Tambopata Landscape
Loyola studied forestry and made the mastery of ecotourism in the Universidad Nacional Agraria La Molina. On the professional side, she has been dedicated to conservation, working primarily in the management of protected areas and in the interpretation of natural and cultural heritage. She has also worked with various institutions such as ACCA, Conservation International, the Peruvian Society for Environmental Law and SERNANP (MINAM). From 2008, Loyola was project coordinator in Pronaturaleza, where she devoted herself to the management of conservation projects and development, monitoring of investment projects related to mining activities and infrastructure, the implementation of media campaigns and advocacy; as well as the organization and strengthening networks and thematic groups, especially in the articulation of civil society networks for advocacy in public administration.