

Loyola Escamilo
Director, Madidi-Tambopata Landscape
Loyola studied forestry and made the mastery of ecotourism in the Universidad Nacional Agraria La Molina. On the professional side, she has been dedicated to conservation, working primarily in the management of protected areas and in the interpretation of natural and cultural heritage. She has also worked with various institutions such as ACCA, Conservation International, the Peruvian Society for Environmental Law and SERNANP (MINAM). From 2008, Loyola was project coordinator in Pronaturaleza, where she devoted herself to the management of conservation projects and development, monitoring of investment projects related to mining activities and infrastructure, the implementation of media campaigns and advocacy; as well as the organization and strengthening networks and thematic groups, especially in the articulation of civil society networks for advocacy in public administration.
Luis Carlos Moya
Natural Resources Specialist
Luis is a biologist from the Universidad Nacional de la Amazonía Peruana and has a master in ecology and sustainable development at the same university. He has experience in indigenous communities and quechua Kandozi in the management of fisheries and wildlife species. He has also evaluated the population of landscape species in the Samiria River basin, in the Pacaya Samiria National Reserve.
Maria Cecilia Gonzales Hidalgo
Maria Cecilia Gonzales Hidalgo serves as Assistant at WCS.
Mariana Montoya
Director, Peru
Mariana, WCS Peru director since 2013, obtained her PhD in geography from the University of Texas – Austin, where she focused on the sustainability of socioecological systems in the Peruvian Amazon. Previously, she obtained her master’s degree in Ecosystem Management (Autonomous University of Baja California) and her undergraduate degree in Biology (National Agrarian University La Molina). Mariana has experience in Latin American conservation and development, including work with WWF and the National Protected Areas Service. She has lead in the design, implementation, and supervision of various projects of biodiversity conservation, indigenous organization strengthening, poverty alleviation, natural resource management, watershed management, and environmental threat mitigation in Peru.
Mariana Varese
Director, Amazonía
Mariana Varese is the Director of Amazon Landscapes and the Citizen Science for the Amazon Project at the Wildlife Conservation Society (WCS). A natural resources economist with over 15 years of conservation experience in the Amazon and Latin America and the Caribbean, Mariana Varese holds an M.A. In Latin American Studies from the University of Florida. Mariana has ample experience in community-based conservation, landscape and multi-scale conservation approaches, natural resource economics, and evidence-based participatory planning and adaptive management. Her current areas of interest citizen engagement in science, conservation and sustainable development; the effective use of evidence in decision making; and public goods.
Specialist fishery resources for protected areas
MARIO YOMONA serves as Specialist fishery resources for protected areas at WCS.
Miguel es un apasionado de la conservación de la fauna silvestre y los ecosistemas naturales, graduado en Ingeniería Zootecnia en mi carrera universitaria, tuvo la oportunidad de pertenecer al equipo de apoyo en proyectos en reservas naturales, donde adquirió experiencia en la gestión y conservación de animales silvestres, así como en el diseño e implementación de programas de investigación y monitoreo de fauna. Tras graduarse, trabajó como apoyo en proyectos dentro del área de fauna silvestre, donde tuvo la oportunidad de aplicar sus conocimientos en biología y ecología en proyectos de conservación y restauración de ecosistemas naturales, así como en investigación científica en esta área. Su experiencia en la gestión de poblaciones animales y en la prevención de la extinción de especies, así como sus habilidades en el diseño y la implementación de programas de conservación y monitoreo de fauna.
Monica Quispe
Coordinadora de Contabilidad
Mónica es contadora pública colegida, graduada de la Universidad Peruana Unión. Tiene experiencia profesional en el sector público y privado. Se ha desempeñado como especialista de logística en diversos gobiernos municipales, elaborando presupuestos de programas educativos del Ministerio de Educación como consultora en proyectos de inversión. Tiene más de 20 años de experiencia trabajando en instituciones dedicadas al trabajo con niños, niñas, adolescentes, mujeres, derechos humanos y conservación del medio ambiente. Se unió a WCS en 2010 y actualmente se desempeña como coordinadora contable.
Pamela Elizabeth Aguinaga Medina
Administration and Finance Manager
Pamela Elizabeth Aguinaga Medina serves as Manager at WCS.
Paola Matayoshi
GIS Specialist
Paola Matayoshi serves as GIS Specialist at WCS.

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