Wildlife Conservation Society (WCS) is non-governmental science-based conservation organization that works in over 50 countries around the world. Founded in 1895 as the New York Zoological Society, its mission is to conserve wildlife and ecosystems by generating and applying innovative scientific and field-based solutions to critical problems. The WCS approach to conservation is rooted in our belief that good conservation requires a sound understanding of the ecology and threats to conservation targets. Our credibility is established through our long-term commitment to places and people,
forming alliances and partnerships with other organizations on the ground.
Although we have been supporting scientists working in Peru since 1968, our institutional presence since 2001 has been instrumental in solidifying our on-the-ground work and connections to undertake research activities and relevant conservation work in the Peruvian Amazon with local communities to better wildlife management and conservation.
Our work in Peru focuses on long term involvment in two major landscapes: